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 #Lemminkäinen ~ Répertoire RP.

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Messages : 244
Inscription : 29/06/2015

Age : 30
Pseudo : nameless

#Lemminkäinen ~ Répertoire RP. Empty
#Lemminkäinen ~ Répertoire RP. Icon_minitimeMar 30 Juin 2015 - 14:56


  This is the part when I say I don't want it.

En cours
one more time. with Pa.
over the past decade. with Aslaug.
look like a girl but I think like a guy with Léopoldine.
jeu glacé with Volt.
sunbathing on the moon with Arsène.
all my tears have been used up with Elsa.
it's just a cat and mouse game, always starts the same with Siewka.
on va faire tanguer les étoiles with Orphan.
i try to laugh about it cover it all up whit lies with Osiris.
ainsi je vais with Honduras.
mes lumières d'avenir with Gladys.
la terre & les âmes with Brazen. 
au confins de l'univers with Arkham.
everybody's looking for something with Athéna.
what i'm trying to say is not to forget with Neos.
l'espoir est une drogue douce with Ecclesya.
if only i was sure that my head on the door was a dream with Leonor.
je suis riche de ça mais ça ne s'achète pas with Cataleya.

wonder what's wrong with me with Ecclesya.

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